TITLE: European digital guidelines as a basis for the digitalization process in Bosnia and Herzegovina a review of current state
AUTHORS: Elma Avdagić-Golub, Muhamed Begović, Belma Memić
ABSTRACT: The development of information society and broadband Internet is key indicators of social and economic change. They transform the way companies, political systems, and citizens
communicate with each other. Today, we talk about various regional and national initiatives to first stabilize and then improve the economies of countries through the development of the Internet and information society. The European Union has recognized information technology as a major factor influencing economic growth and innovation. Among the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 economic strategy is the Digital Agenda for Europe. This shows the importance that information technologies have in the development of the modern economy. In this paper, we analyze the current state of development of the information society and broadband Internet access in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We highlight the necessity of considering mechanisms for the development of broadband access. We analyzed the current situation and progress in the implementation of the Digital Agenda guidelines in EU countries. The aim of this research is to highlight the advantages of using EU strategic guidelines to improve and develop the current situation in the field of broadband Internet in Bosnia and Herzegovina
KEYWORDS: Digital Agenda, broadband Internet, guidelines, strategy
PAGES: 127-133
DOI: 10.59478/ATCT.2022.17