TITLE: Analysis of stress effects on pilot workload
AUTHORS: Olja Čokorilo, Sanja Steiner, Anja Stamenić, Lidija Tomić, Sofija Tanasković
ABSTRACT: Since human errors are one of the major causes of flight accidents, understanding the pilot workload is the basis for human errors prevention. More than 70% of aviation accidents can be attributed to human factors, which are recognized as one of the key determinants for managing and improving flight safety. Aviation is closely related to stress, and the pilot workload can be classified as the most stressful. The goal of this paper is to understand the impact that stress could affect pilots and the measures for coping stress in cockpit. In order to understand the human factor importance on piloting, the effects of stress on a pilot performances and limitations are analyzed in the paper. Due to the constant growth of air traffic, stress among flight crew is becoming an increasing problem. Therefore, the research was conducted on 46 pilots from different airlines and nationalities (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia). Those pilots were surveyed with the aim of discovering the impact of stress on pilot performance during the flight. The age of the respondents ranges from 20 to 65 years. The provided research could improve the human factor understanding regarding on human performance and limitations during the piloting.
KEYWORDS: Aviation, Pilot, Workload, Stress, Survey
PAGES: 1-8