TITLE: Artificial intelligence in the function of human resource management in postal sector
AUTHORS: Mladenka Blagojević, Nikola Knežević, Dejan Marković, Dragan Pejović
ABSTRACT: The world is in the sphere of the introduction and accelerated development of the fourth industrial revolution, which has created enormous changes and different possibilities for production and logistics processes. These changes can be achieved by digitalization of the processes by using technologies characteristic for the fourth industrial revolution: big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, Internet of Things (IoT). If we focus on artificial intelligence, it is inevitable that the rapid development of this technology provides opportunities to improve the performance of various industries and companies, including transportation. In this industry, the importance of artificial intelligence is reflected in the ability to manage the large amounts of generated data and making quick decisions without the presence of subjectivity. Some of the basic determinants of artificial intelligence are given in the paper, and the emphasis is on the application of artificial intelligence to the human resource management in the postal sector. In the domain of human resources, the steps of implementing this technology in the postal organization are defined.
KEYWORDS: artificial intelligence, postal sector, human resource management
PAGES: 48-55