TITLE: Eco-friendly Delivery Courier Services for Sustainable Transportation
AUTHORS: Miodrag Jovanovic, Milana Duric, Branko Jotanovic, Gojko Sindrak, Gordana Jotanovic, Goran Jausevac, Dragana Sarac, Estera Rakic
ABSTRACT: The case study presented in the paper aims at a long-term reduction in the price of vehicle fleet maintenance and fuel costs for the XExpress Company, which can bring financial benefits. Analysis and optimization of transportation by fuel type can lead to better route planning, reduced delivery times and increased overall efficiency of operations. The goal of the research is to focus on reducing fuel costs, as well as promoting environmentally friendly fuels in the delivery service sector, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, reduce the environmental footprint of delivery vehicles and encourage sustainable behavior in traffic using electric vehicles. In this paper, we explore the benefits of environmentally friendly delivery services from courier companies, highlighting the key initiatives, technologies and trends that are shaping this field. Also, the aim of the case study is to highlight the importance of environmental awareness in delivery and the potential benefits arising from the implementation of sustainable approaches in courier services. The results of the case study showed that the costs per 100 km for electric vehicles are 5,03 BAM, and for vehicles with internal combustion 30,07 BAM, the savings for the company XExpress is not negligible and amounts to 83,27%.
KEYWORDS: Delivery services, sustainable transport, eco-delivery, Distribution Center (DC).
PAGES: 82-89