TITLE: European ITS architecture Frame Next – framework for harmonization of ITS development
AUTHORS: Drago Ezgeta, Mustafa Mehanović, Samir Čaušević
ABSTRACT: Digitization of the transport system requires upgrading the physical transport infrastructure with digital infrastructure through the development of intelligent transport systems that will enable the digital integration of the EU transport system. Although the EU countries have made a significant contribution to the development of ITS, the necessary level of harmonization of the ITS system in the EU has not yet been achieved. Although the EU directives related to the development of ITS have been passed, the interoperability of ITS services has not yet been achieved, which makes the development of the ITS services market at the EU level difficult. In order to more effectively develop ITS and integrate ITS services, the EU launched a project to upgrade the European framework ITS architecture through the FRAME NEXT project. The European ITS architecture framework represents a framework for harmonizing the development of ITS in the EU and can be used as a framework for the development of ITS in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU countries as well as neighboring countries should harmonize the development of ITS using the European framework ITS architecture FRAME NEXT as a framework for ITS development.
KEYWORDS: Intelligent transport systems, ITS architecture, digitization, harmonization
PAGES: 77-81