TITLE:Fuzzy Logic Controller for Vehicles Recommended Speed
AUTHORS: Gordana Jotanović, Goran Jauševac, Vladimir Brtka, Dalibor Šeljmeši, Željko Stojanov
ABSTRACT: This paper examines the design and application of a Recommended Vehicle Speed (RVS) system based on Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) to improve traffic conditions and safety on motorways and highways. Unlike traditional Variable Speed Limit (VSL) systems, the RVS system focuses on actively recommending vehicle speeds to prevent or reduce traffic congestion. The system uses interconnected FLCs, sensors and a wireless communication system to calculate recommended speeds and transmit them to vehicles and drivers. The proposed RVS algorithm uses Mamdani-type FLCs, where first FLC estimates traffic congestion based on the number of incoming and outgoing vehicles, while second FLC calculates the recommended speed based on distance between the vehicle and traffic jam road section. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the system which is capable to dynamically adjust the recommended speed, improve traffic flow, reduce traffic congestion, and therefore to enhance road safety.
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy Logic Controller, Recommended Vehicle Speed, Traffic Jams, Traffic Control
PAGES: 56-62