TITLE: The impact of AI on software developers and software developers comapnies
AUTHORS: Merjem Buza, Ahmed Smaka
ABSTRACT: Almost every few decades, an innovation emerges that completely changes the world, playing a vital role in raising the standard of living, such as the internet. What will be the next definitive moment in history? It’s here, and it is artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, we will discuss how AI technology can enhance programming. We will analyze the current use-cases of AI in this sector and explore possible future applications. We will look at how AI can help developers be more efficient and effective. We have addressed the impact of some of the most well-known software tools available to developers, such as ChatGPT, Devon, Cody, GitHub Copilot, and others. In this study, we have investigated the percentage of developers utilizing artificial intelligence. Furthermore, we have explored whether they employ it solely for business purposes or for day-to-day work as well. All of these aspects are depicted through tables, graphs, and images. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) brings both positive and negative aspects. Companies should establish governance standards for using AI tools to ensure that they are used ethically and effectively.
KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence, programming enhancement, developer efficiency, AI tools in software development.
PAGES: 122-126